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Exhibitor Booth Selection Form

Exhibitor Booth Selection Form

Booth Preferences - List up to three choices in order of preference using the booth numbers on the Exhibit Hall Floorplan. Every effort will be made to accommodate your selection, however, no location choice is guaranteed. Booth locations are assigned on a first-come, first-paid basis. Shaded booth locations are already reserved. Maps are subject to change and CCAP reserves the right to adjust the map layout if deemed beneficial to exhibitors and attendees.
Terms and Conditions: I have read and understand the terms and conditions of the 2024 CCAP Annual Conference and Trade Show Exhibitor Contract - Rules, Regulations and Policies (https://www.pacounties.org/getmedia/8b9c9354-3ff6-4fdc-b3b2-c188ded823dd/ACExhibitorContract2024.pdf) and agree to provide a current Certificate of Liability Insurance (COI) from my insurance provider, or alternate letter as outlined in the Contract, showing current insurance coverage for my firm through the trade show date(s).