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CCAP PACAH Bonds logo

CCAP PACAH Bonds A group bond program for patient trust fund bonds for county owned and affiliated nursing homes.

CCAP's program, which is endorsed by the Pennsylvania Association of County Affiliated Homes (PACAH), provides PACAH member nursing homes with surety bonds as required by federal law.

Underwritten by Travelers Insurance Company, two year bonds are issued for each facility naming the residents as obligee. The bond must be written for an amount representing 100% patient trust funds at any one time. The program has saved members significant dollars since its inception April 1, 1997. The premium is payable annual or two years prepaid, which results in additional cost savings.


Questions concerning our PACAH Bonds program should be directed to:

Membership Listing

  • Allegheny County: John J. Kane Regional Centers
  • Berks County: Berks Heim Nursing & Rehabilitation
  • Bradford County: Bradford County Manor
  • Centre County: Centre Care
  • Chester County: Pocopson Home
  • Clearfield County: DuBois Nursing Home & DuBois Village
  • Clinton County: Susque-View Home, Inc.
  • Crawford County: Crawford County Care Center
  • Erie County: Pleasant Ridge Manor
  • Jefferson County: Jefferson Manor Health Center
  • Lebanon County: Cedar Haven Nursing Home
  • Lehigh County: Cedarbrook Nursing Homes
  • Monroe County: Pleasant Valley Manor, Inc.
  • Northampton County: Gracedale Nursing Home
  • Philadelphia County: Philadelphia Nursing Home
  • Warren County: Rouse - Warren County Home
  • Wayne County: Wayne Woodlands Manor
  • Westmoreland County: Westmoreland Manor
  • York County: Pleasant Acres Nursing and Rehabilitation Center