CCAP Annual Awards
Each year, the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania (CCAP) recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to county government. Nominations may be submitted from any CCAP member, associate member, county or district in as many award categories as desired by completing the CCAP nomination requirements. It is encouraged to submit all information requested along with a written statement and any supporting documents, such as letters of support, news articles and/or publications. All submissions can be made online.
All awards will be presented to the honorees on Tuesday, August 6 at the CCAP Annual Dinner and Awards Ceremony at the Wyndham Gettysburg in Adams County.
Nominations deadline was June 14, Nominations are now CLOSED!
Road and Bridge Safety Improvement Awards
Each year, the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania (CCAP), the Pennsylvania Highway Information Association (PHIA), and the PA Department of Transportation (PennDOT) work together to recognize the best road and bridge safety improvement projects undertaken by local governments across the commonwealth. The award will be presented at the Closing General Session of the CCAP Annual Conference on August 7 at the Wyndham Gettysburg, Adams County.
Nomination deadlines was July 12. Nominations are now CLOSED