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CCAP Center for Excellence in County Leadership logoThe Center for Excellence in County Leadership (CEL), a premier professional development program of the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania (CCAP), is pleased to announce this year’s graduates as part of the Center’s Class of 2023. The CEL program focuses on fostering individual growth through interactive and immersive training aimed at improving participants’ communication, decision-making, and leadership skills. CEL includes intense workshops in leadership styles, managerial versatility, interpersonal dynamics, crisis communication, media management, daily problem-solving, decision-making, and other areas of focus.

Program Questions

Congratulations to the CEL Class of 2023!

First Row L-R 

Nicole Hemminger, County Administrator, Blair County; John Alunni, Human Services Administrator, Wyoming County; Bryan Sheaffer, Deputy Director of Elections and Voter Registration, York County; Rebekah Hubbard, Chief Clerk, Susquehanna County  

Second Row L-R 

Erik Walschburger, Deputy County Administrator, Chester County; Kirk Stoner, Director of Planning, Cumberland County; Brian Snyder, Community Planner, Pike County; Cody Kauffman, First Assistant County Solicitor, Berks County

Not Pictured: Tricia Durbin, Commissioner, Warren County

Program Highlights

Features in the Curriculum

Day One: Adapted and Natural Disc® Leadership Styles and the Platinum Rule; Five Stages of Rock Solid County Leadership; Leadership Behaviors; Developing Leaders; Take Back to Your County

Day Two: Leading Change, The Four Conversations: Daily Communication That Gets Results, Media Management, Crisis Communication

Day Three: Team Problem Solving and Decision Making (Group Activity)

Application process for the 2024 CEL Class will begin in November 2023.

The Center for Excellence in County Leadership is produced by:

The Professional Edge, inc. People Skills at Work logo

2023 Center for Excellence in County Leadership Program Sponsors

A Special Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors!

Gold Ribbon Sponsor

PCoRP Logo

PA Counties Risk Pool - PCoRP provides property, liability, automobile and other related insurance coverages, loss control, claims services and training to Pennsylvania counties and county related entities.

Sliver Ribbon Sponsors

UC Trust

Sponsor Questions