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November 18 - 21, 2023
The Hotel Hershey
Dauphin County, PA

The CCAP Fall Conference features general programming with a focus on county “hot topics.” This Conference is a time for CCAP to plan its priorities and goals for the coming legislative year with an emphasis on association and county business. CCAP does not host exhibits at this Conference, but vendors are encouraged to attend and to sponsor the Conference.

Save the Date! 

The 2023 CCAP Newly Elected Officials Workshop and Fall Conference is scheduled to be held November 18 - 21 at The Hotel Hershey in Dauphin County, PA! More information and registration forms will be available in September 2023.

2022 Conference Photos

2022 Conference Materials

2022 Conference Materials

  • CCAP Events Mobile App (PDF)
    All registered attendees will receive an email with access instructions for the CCAP Events Mobile App that will serve as a one-stop resource for Conference information while on-site, including schedule and program information, speaker directory, attendee list, sponsor list and more.

CCAP Academy Program Credits

Participants in CCAP’s Academy for Excellence in County Government are eligible to receive up to 5.5 Academy elective credits for attending one session during each educational time slot. Participants must submit a Verification of Attendance Form (PDF) which will be available at the Conference registration desk or on the mobile app. Forms must be submitted after the Conference to Lori Lawyer  to get transcript credit.

Commitment to Well-Being

CCAP considers the safety of its members, especially in-person Conference attendees, our top priority and we remain committed to hosting a safe event for all participants. The Commitment to Well-Being will require attendees staff, speakers and vendors to comply with safety precautions and recommendations specified by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the CDC. As safety standards continue to evolve, the Commitment to Well-Being will be updated and those updates will be communicated to all attendees.

As of August 31, 2022 CCAP Fall Conference attendees and staff are not required to wear a face covering at the Conference. However, CCAP strongly encourages attendees and staff to wear face coverings at the Conference in no case will disrespect for an individual’s choice to wear, or not wear, a face covering be tolerated. We will continue to monitor the conditions and recommendations and will post updates here as well as communicate directly with registered attendees if time-sensitive correspondence is warranted.

2022 Conference Registration

Cancellation Policies

Cancellations must be submitted via email to Jeannette Hunter, jhunter@pacounties.org, no later than 4 p.m. on November 11, 2022 to qualify for a refund. No telephone cancellations will be accepted. A $50 administrative fee will be deducted for each refund requested. Registrations are transferable to another individual prior to the Conference start date. Cancellations received after the November 11, 2022 deadline are not refundable. Registered no-shows will be billed. All refunds are issued via check after the Conference concludes. Please understand we must adhere to the deadlines and policies to ensure accurate registration and hotel planning.

2022 CCAP Fall Conference Sponsors

Thank you to the 2022 CCAP Fall Conference Sponsors!

Check out the Sponsor Video produced for Conference attendees

2023 CCAP Fall Conference sponsorship opportunities (PDF) are available to interested vendors. The 2023 sponsorship contract (PDF) must be submitted by November 3. After November 3, please contact Todd Snovel to confirm availability of benefits.. Thank you for your support! 

Blue Ribbon Conference Sponsors

Red Ribbon Conference Sponsors


Do you have a topic that you would like to present during a CCAP Conference or workshop? Please use the Conference Presentation Speaker Request form to submit your topic/speaker request. 

Conference Program Questions

Registration Questions

Vendor and Sponsor Questions